وظائف شاغرة لدى جمعية Nabad Ngo: مطلوب مساعدين ومساعدات في ادخال البيانات (Data Entry Assistant)
Applications submitted without a cover letter nor the title of the position in the e-mail subject will not be taken into consideration.
Nabad has zero-tolerance towards sexual abuse, exploitation, and harassment.
للانضمام الى مجموعتنا لنشر الوظائف عبر الواتساب اضغط هناThe Data Entry Assistant will be responsible for:
– Collect data from the field staff or center supervisor.
– Provide day to day data quality verification.
– Maintain database backup and filing systems.
– Provide support in compiling data to measure the progress and impact of the project's activities.
– Conducting phone call surveys.
– Perform daily data entry.
– Submit regular reports and feedback on challenges faced during data collection.
– Assess, discuss and address program challenges with the MEAL department.
– Coordinate all tasks with the MEAL officer.
Experience Required:
- A minimum of 1 to 2 years' experience with a local or international NGOs.
- Very good knowledge in Excel is a must.
- Experience in data collection, and data entry.